Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Post Crawl

Hi fellow art lovers,

I am elated that my last insanely busy 3 months have come to an end. It was my art theory course that had me writing until all hours in the morning. I thank all my writer friends that gave me great support. It always feels great to challenge myself , even though it was CHALLENGING!!! I have written about modernism ; a view from Vancouver. I have short essays on Stanley Park, Waterfront Station, Acrylic Paint and Hybrid Modernism and Transdisciplinary, the latest art current. If you want to read them, let me know.

Inspiring as learning, researching and writing is, opening up my studio for the Crawl was an amazing time for me. I got great feedback on my work. One viewer was moved so much over a painting, she actually cried. Now that is a special moment! It reminds me why I do what I do.

I had great conversations about art and life. My students came by and surprised me with wine and flowers. I had children and adults laugh at some of my more humourous works of art. I have included a few images for you to see the crazy business of it all.

My teaching is finished, the crawl is over and now it is time to take some time for myself , get back into my yoga and meditation, hang out with my boys and my friends, and to my painting. I am excited about my solo show coming up in Feb /11 . I will keep you posted.

Happy holidays,


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