Tuesday, September 6, 2016

First day of Residency and NYC

Yesterday I arrived in NYC and look what was waiting for me?

Today was my first day at the Residency.

On governors Island there are many different art organizations that inhabit the buildings.
I came across an Art Installation in an old fort.
Very cool!

 The project I am working on engages the public. In my last post you learnt that the project is stuffing and sewing lost socks together ( the ones that lost their mates) to create a tubular form. For this to happen I need to collect socks from Laundromats and scraps of fabric from The Garment Industry  in the Lower East Side where I am staying. Collecting materials means I get to meet interesting and local people who are happy to share their sock stories:

I continued having an amazing adventure today. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. Matter of fact I have one tailor and her team bringing their own orphaned socks to work and stuffing them and then sewing them together but using the sewing machine, not by hand.  I pick them  up at the end of the week with more fabric scraps.

 The next step for me is to engage the public. Where do I find them and will they take the time to participate? I decided I need a bike with a basket. That way I can ride around the Island engaging people. If they stuff and sew I will document them.

 Check out the people who have contributed so far.

I was told to take what I wanted.. so I did.

Mustafa was very helpful. He has more bags waiting
for me in the back room. Stylish shop.

Happy to help out.

 Stay tune for whats up next. I am have no idea since I am making it up as I go along :)

Hopefully I will have found a bike.

Please share your comments and any suggestions.

 Warmly, Lori

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Artist Residency Project

I am excitedthat I will be at the Residency on Governors Island in NY from Sept 6 to 19th. I have proposed an experimental project outside of my usual painting practice that refers to my identity as a Jewish woman, mother as well touching on issues such as diversity and inclusiveness. It consists of a daily ritual: sewing single, lost socks together to create a long tube, containing references to the body. Part of my process will include collecting dryer lint and lost socks at Laundromats while I am in NYC. The dryer lint will be used to fill the long sock tube. Visitors of Governors Island will be asked to assist me in connecting the socks. Here are a sweet photo of my first sock project this past month when I was the resident artist at a visual art camp for kids.